ENGR12L Engineering Circuits Lab

Spring 2016  

Time:  Tue 1-4   Room:  PS103   Section: 4320/0617   Units: 1

Instructor:  Tom Rebold  Office: BMC-202B   Contact: trebold(a)mpc(.)edu   645-1327

Office Hours: M/W 5:30 - 6:30, T/Th 12 noon - 1 pm in BMC202B, Friday 3-4 in PS103 (and online)

Class website: 
 www.tomrebold.com/engr12lab    Turn in labs: here     Hangout: here

Course description:

Students build, measure, analyze and model standard electronics circuits while verifying theoretical circuit principles.  Hands on labs start with basic circuit patterns and culminate with applications of active filters, magnetic circuits and balanced 3 phase power. Use of standard electronics instrumentation and circuit modeling (PSPICE) and analysis (MATLAB) tools is also covered.  

Student Learning Outcome:

     Build electronics circuits and characterize circuit behavior using the appropriate instruments and techniques.

Objectives: Students will be able to

1. Use basic instrumentation (DMM, Oscilloscope) to measure circuit behavior
2. Analyze experimental data and form conclusions about circuit behavior
3. Use P-spice to model and design circuits. (We will be using online simulators at CircuitLab.com and DoCircuits.com)
4. Use Matlab to solve circuit equations in the real and complex domains, and plot circuit transient and steady state solutions
5. Work effectively in groups during problem solving activities and lab write-ups.

Accommodations:  If you need accommodations or have a disability, please talk with me for arrangements.


Video Archives by date CCCConfer   3CMedia
2/3 1. Introduction to MATLAB                datasheet Laptops
2/10 2. Safety, Breadboards, DMM datasheet Circuit Kits, DMM
2/17 3. Circuit Simulation datasheet Laptops
2/24 4. Series and Parallel Circuits datasheet Circuit Kits, DMM, Laptops
3/3 5. Nodal and Mesh Analysis     FAQ  
-- Labs 1-4   Practice Test 1  SOLNS
datasheet Laptops
3/10 6. Thevenin Equivalents  datasheet Laptops
3/17 7. Op-Amp Circuits   Bring your mobile audio device!! datasheet Circuit Kits, DMM
3/24 8. Nonlinear Devices: Diodes and Transistors  datasheet Circuit Kits, DMM
4/7 9. First Order Circuits and Oscilloscopes
Test2 -- Labs 5-8    Practice Test 2
datasheet  Circuit Kits, DMM
Laptops, Analog Discovery
4/14 10. First Order Time Domain Simulation
datasheet Laptops
4/21 11. Complex Numbers, Phasors and MATLAB   
datasheet Laptops
4/28 12. Phasor Nodal, Mesh and MATLAB  
Final Project Kickoff
  ang.m   magPhs.m                         
datasheet Laptops
5/5 13. Measuring AC Circuits   
Test3 -- Labs 9-11 
datasheet Circuit Kits, DMM,
Scopes, Laptops
5/12 14. Intro to Microcontrollers datasheet Circuit Kits, DMM
Analog Discovery, Laptops
Arduino Microcontroller
5/19 15. Frequency Selective Circuits    datasheet Circuit Kits, DMM
Analog Discovery, Laptops
5/26 Test4 Labs 12-15
Work on Projects
  Circuit Kits, DMM
Analog Discovery, Laptops
6/2 Turn in Final Project Report    



The  total weights of different course activities:

15  Labs                                            50 %
4 Exams                                            40 %
Final Project                                      10 %
                    A - 90%             B - 80%             C - 70%             D - 60%


If you decide to drop, to avoid getting an F, please remember to remove yourself from the class using webreg. I often drop people who haven't participated in over a week, but please don't count on that!