File Upload

Before submitting your work, put your name inside each java file.

You are also encouraged to add notes to your comment field indicating problems, questions, or areas of confusion you would like clarified.

Homework Scoring Criteria

Program Success Score

(5 pts.) Program solves 50% of criteria
(8 pts.) Program solves 80% of criteria
(10 pts.) Program solves 100% of criteria
(plus 1 pt for extra features)


(1/2 pt.) Lack of meaningful names used in declarations
(1/2 pt.) Lack of informative comments
(1/2 pt.) Poor or inconsistent formatting
(1/2 pt.) Poor choice of Java commands
(1/2 pt.) Improperly zipped file
No late submission after solutions posted

MAX POSSIBLE: 10 points
Any Extra Credit: Up to 1 point per week

Based on the above scoring criteria, please estimate your grading score for this assignment:


  1. Please rename your folder and files if necessary to remove special characters such as ( ) or &.
  2. File and Folder names should only contain letters, numbers, space, periods (.) and underscore ( _ ).
  3. If an assignment has multiple problems, please turn in all at once (no partial submissions).
  4. Make a .jar file of your project folder and upload
  5. To make a jar file in BlueJ, click File > Export Jar File, choose "include source files", then export. Locate the resulting jar file and upload.
  6. To export a jar file in Eclipse, follow the instructions at Notes on Eclipse and BlueJ

Your Login Code (last initial, first initial, last 4 SID, like rt1234)